We Who Believe In Freedom
April 6 – July 12, 2019
National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, Cincinnati, OH
George Washington brought 9 of his slaves from his home in Mt. Vernon, Virginia to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the first capital of the United States. I find it ironic, Washington fought in the Revolutionary War to get “freedom” for the people of America, and enslaved Africans were not considered citizens of this country. In fact, Washington owned 123 slaves. The participation of African American soldiers in the Revolutionary War was still not enough to persuade Washington to free his slaves.
The words “let freedom ring” were in my thoughts and in every stitch of fabric that went into creating this piece. The words ring hollow. The presence of slaves in The President’s House in Philadelphia are a reminder that even in today’s society African American’s are still in transition, as they strive to prove their worth. The President’s House, in the background of the quilt, reflects the turmoil suffered by the slaves living there. The clarity in the face of George Washington reflects his selfishness.
April 6 – July 12, 2019